Friday, August 05, 2005

Another bad day

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? Today is one of those for me. I don't know if it is my perception of things or if today is just one of those days.

It started at 7:42 a.m., or at least that's what my clock had been reading when I woke up that morning. It was only until I checked my cell phone that I realized the time on my alarm clock hadn't changed in more than an hour. It was 9:32 a.m., and I was supposed to be at work at 9. I hurriedly threw some jeans, black top and heels on, pulled my hair back, brushed my teeth and ran out the door, making it to work by 9:40. Thank God work is only 1.1 miles away. After that, the day seemed to be going ok. I was only supposed to work a half day since I had worked at a photo shoot sunday, but my weekend story was taking more time than I expected, and then my editor gave me an assignment to check up on a trial. And, just my luck, the trial ended today. I rushed to make some calls so I could get that story done asap. Just as I was finishing up the trial story, my computer crashed and took forever to reboot.
After I left work I went to a specialty shop to look for a wedding gift for my bestfriend, and couldn't decide on anything, then to Target, who didn't have what I was looking for and I was getting irritated by the squeeky cart I was pushing around... then to the post office to pic up 60 stamps so I could mail some shower invitations. At the post office the do-it-yourself machine was out of order so I had to wait in line for 30 minutes. But, this short man in his 50's walked up to me and asked me if I was ok. My reply was yes, I was fine. He responded that I looked like I was having a bad day, and I told him no, not really. He said, well, just wanted to ask and say hello. My thought was, wow. Just at the point when my day is seriously starting to suck, a nice old man comes along, takes a moment out of his day and tries to cheer up a stranger. I silently ask God to forgive me for my negativism earlier and thank him for the day, despite how bad it was. Then, the man asks me if I'm a student. I reply that I'm a journalist. I'm fine making small talk until he asks me if I have any neosporen... "um.. yeah.. at home I guess" I told him. He replied that I might try it on my eye, where I apparently have some kind of irritation. Geeze, a marketing professor that I run into at the post office is giving me beauty tips. Grrreeeat. Then he tells me that I have a beautiful smile ... much like Hillary Clinton... and that I should be on the cover of a magazine. It is at this point that I'm thanking God that I'm at the front of the line, politely tell the man to have a great day, and walk briskly to the counter to buy my stamps. When I get home, my dog has gone through the trash and ripped everything to shreds. Greeeaaat. She looks up at me with cotton hanging off of her big floppy brown ears, sticks her tail between her legs and seemingly pouts, then comes up to me and tries to give me a big lick. No matter my mood, she just made the day so much better. Thank goodness for dogs.


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