Monday, August 29, 2005

Wife material?

What does it mean when a guy tells you that you are "wife material"? Mr Goatee and I were talking the other day, and he told me that, from about the 3rd or 4th time we hung out, I walked out of my house... he saw me... and he thought.. "wife". Of course, it does make a little more sense I guess that we were on our way to church for the first time together. I was wearing a white dress with red flowers and a black cardigan sweater, holding my bible. It's not like he would look at me and I would just portray some wild drunken night rendevous. But still. WIFE. That's big. I don't know what that means, but I wonder..

I'm not ready to get married anytime soon. I spent years on the marriage track excitedly planning out my dream wedding and looking at engagement rings. I thought I would get married to Mr. 6 years, until I realized that day would never come. I wasn't ready, and wouldn't be with him. Now, I'm not sure when it will happen, but a long time from now, I'm sure of that.

Although I've always been a dreamer, I've never been one of those girls who wanted desperately to pop out kids. Sure, I want to be a parent someday, but I don't know when my biological clock or that maternal instinct will kick in. Don't get me wrong, I love to be around kids. I've grown up babysitting and playing with my two cousins who are still under 6. But, that's different, because you can have fun with them but give them back to their parents in the end. But the wife comment made me think seriously yesterday. I went to Georgia this weekend to visit Mr. Goatee's brother, sister-in-law and niece. I was nervous at first about what they would think of me. But it was great. They were great. And his 3-year-old niece was adorable. She and I played in her dollhouse and played hopscotch... I twirled her around like a helicopter in the backyard and did "circus tricks" by balancing her in the air with my legs like my dad used to do with me. At one point, Mr. Goatee, his niece and I cuddled on the couch and read Sleeping Beauty and I thought to myself.. yeah. I can see this. I could do this.... And maybe heard the first tick of my biological clock. Later that afternoon, however, we went to have dinner with my uncle and aunt and two cousins. The kids were screaming over some toy and wouldn't stay at the table. The three-year-old ended up with tears streaming down her face during a temper tantrum, and the 6-year-old was storming around the house with a Darth Vader mask on. I love them. They are my family... but i think it squandered that first tick back to wherever it came from. No, not ready for that for a long, long time. I have to deal with the whole idea of marriage first, and even that is going to take me a while to get used to. I need to figure out who I am as an adult first.


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